Sunday, July 12, 2015

today I went to the zoo with My mom .I saw a Tasmanian devil &

I saw a monkey it was cute!


  1. When we went to the zoo when we were little, you could bring little pieces of tangerine to feed to the spider monkeys. We would spend a long time watching them, and wishing we had a tail like that. I still wish I had a tail that I could hang from! Of course, now we know that its not healthy for the monkeys to be fed tangerines all day.

    We saw a lot of animals when we were in tasmania, but the only tasmanian devil we saw was squished at the side of the road. Which was kind of sad. But we did visit an island that was a sanctuary for healthy tasmanian devils. So maybe someday we'll go back and see one. Mostly they are nocturnal, so you have to look for them at dusk and dawn. In my case that only leaves dusk, because I'm not really into dawn.

    Auntie Vic

  2. Sounds like a fun trip! Maybe when you are here you could take Me and Uncle Andy to the zoo in Des Moines and show us some of the animals we don't know; I think you are an expert!! I don't even know if we have a Tasmanian Devil in Iowa, but I know we have cute monkeys.

    We can't wait for your visit!
    Love, Aunt Kate
